In the Year Ahead
Instead of the usual long-term new year’s resolutions, such as losing weight, being a better person, spending less money, etc., here is a list of suggestions for both short- and long-term activities you might try to accomplish in your artistic and musical endeavors throughout the coming year.

Instead of the usual long-term new year’s resolutions, such as losing weight, being a better person, spending less money, etc., here is a list of suggestions for both short- and long-term activities you might try to accomplish in your artistic and musical endeavors throughout the coming year.


The Best and Worst of Times
Remember that famous Charles Dickens opening line? Okay, I know most of you sort of remember it (and some of you can probably quote it), but let me refresh your memory: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; [...]

Remember that famous Charles Dickens opening line? Okay, I know most of you sort of remember it (and some of you can probably quote it), but let me refresh your memory: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; [...]


Learning from a Special Needs Ensemble
On the outskirts of Rochester, New York, Melissa Davis directs a bell choir. Not just any bell choir—her 30 ringers are part of the Arc of Monroe County, which offers services for adults with intellectual and other developmental disabilities. Melissa faces extraordinary challenges at her Friday morning rehearsals, and she uses ordinary measures to achieve [...]

On the outskirts of Rochester, New York, Melissa Davis directs a bell choir. Not just any bell choir—her 30 ringers are part of the Arc of Monroe County, which offers services for adults with intellectual and other developmental disabilities. Melissa faces extraordinary challenges at her Friday morning rehearsals, and she uses ordinary measures to achieve [...]


Tell Us About You
One of the best and most powerful resources we have available to us is information. Our member database stores information about those who interact with Handbell Musicians of America. This includes membership history, national event attendance, online store purchases, and contributions to the Guild.

One of the best and most powerful resources we have available to us is information. Our member database stores information about those who interact with Handbell Musicians of America. This includes membership history, national event attendance, online store purchases, and contributions to the Guild.


A Texas Bronzefest
A different take on the handbell event model

Stop me if you have heard this one… “Let’s get a bunch of ringers together from the area, pick some great music, add a great clinician to learn from through a mass ring experience, and give a concert”.


Ringing Safe in the Classroom
Stretching tips to keep young ringers healthy

How do you balance class size, time management, and curriculum/performance expectations while incorporating practices that help to keep your students’ bodies healthy for a “lifetime of ringing?”


Now You See It…
Keeping Your Group's Money Safe

It is a beautiful winter day—snow is falling, fireplaces are crackling, the air is crisp and clean, and someone is embezzling your group’s money. You could not possibly blame the treasurer who volunteers all their time to keep track of the money, and no one will think of the 20-year volunteer stealing from the group. [...]


Holy Week
Handbell opportunities between Palm Sunday and Easter

The eight days of Palm Sunday through Easter are full of drama and musical opportunity. The week begins and ends with festivity and passes through meditation. Because bells are a percussion instrument, people who plan worship often think of this medium only for the festive bookends, so special creativity is required for enhancing the contemplative [...]


Genius Handbell Hacks
Our subject for this month is Share Your Favorite Genius Handbell Hack. Have you come up with a clever way of making life easier for you and your group? Storage ideas for accessories like pencils and gloves; great folder ideas; storing and moving equipment; setup ideas for maximum flexibility; or any other great ideas you [...]

Our subject for this month is Share Your Favorite Genius Handbell Hack. Have you come up with a clever way of making life easier for you and your group? Storage ideas for accessories like pencils and gloves; great folder ideas; storing and moving equipment; setup ideas for maximum flexibility; or any other great ideas you [...]


Treble Ostinato Pattern
A repeating figure used as an obligato in the upper range. The most effective range is C5-C8

A repeating figure used as an obligato in the upper range. The most effective range is C5-C8


C Scale Exercise
Here’s an exercise to build your ringers’ rhythmic skills. It’s deceptively tricky because each note moves over one subdivision each time the pattern moves higher.

Here’s an exercise to build your ringers’ rhythmic skills. It’s deceptively tricky because each note moves over one subdivision each time the pattern moves higher.


Rehearsal Stretches
A sheet of rehearsal stretches to accompany Rob's article on Safe Ringing in the Classroom

A sheet of rehearsal stretches to accompany Rob's article on Safe Ringing in the Classroom


Chiming In

In the Year Ahead
Instead of the usual long-term new year’s resolutions, such as losing weight, being a better person, spending less money, etc., here is a list of suggestions for both short- and long-term activities you might try to accomplish in your artistic and musical endeavors throughout the coming year.

From the President's Pen

The Best and Worst of Times
Remember that famous Charles Dickens opening line? Okay, I know most of you sort of remember it (and some of you can probably quote it), but let me refresh your memory: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; [...]

Membership Matters

Learning from a Special Needs Ensemble
On the outskirts of Rochester, New York, Melissa Davis directs a bell choir. Not just any bell choir—her 30 ringers are part of the Arc of Monroe County, which offers services for adults with intellectual and other developmental disabilities. Melissa faces extraordinary challenges at her Friday morning rehearsals, and she uses ordinary measures to achieve [...]

Executive Notes

Tell Us About You
One of the best and most powerful resources we have available to us is information. Our member database stores information about those who interact with Handbell Musicians of America. This includes membership history, national event attendance, online store purchases, and contributions to the Guild.


A Texas Bronzefest
A different take on the handbell event model

Handbells in Education

Ringing Safe in the Classroom
Stretching tips to keep young ringers healthy

Community Connections

Now You See It…
Keeping Your Group's Money Safe

Handbells in Worship

Holy Week
Handbell opportunities between Palm Sunday and Easter

Handbell Musicians Roundtable

Genius Handbell Hacks
Our subject for this month is Share Your Favorite Genius Handbell Hack. Have you come up with a clever way of making life easier for you and your group? Storage ideas for accessories like pencils and gloves; great folder ideas; storing and moving equipment; setup ideas for maximum flexibility; or any other great ideas you [...]

Tips & Tools

Treble Ostinato Pattern
A repeating figure used as an obligato in the upper range. The most effective range is C5-C8

Tips & Tools

C Scale Exercise
Here’s an exercise to build your ringers’ rhythmic skills. It’s deceptively tricky because each note moves over one subdivision each time the pattern moves higher.

Tips & Tools

Rehearsal Stretches
A sheet of rehearsal stretches to accompany Rob's article on Safe Ringing in the Classroom