Gillian’s Big Adventure

Instead of my usual ramblings in this issue, I’m using a Facebook post and some pictures from board member Gillian Erlenborn, who accepted the task of returning the truck with bells lent from manufacturers for National Seminar. Somewhere between Texas and New Jersey, the truck broke down and many handbell people came to the rescue...


We’re Like a Quilt

A quilt is comprised of layers of textiles in assorted colors and patterns. When making a quilt, there may be doubt at first glance that the various squares will be cohesive because of their differences. However, once connected via stitches of thread, the quilt becomes a work of art—exceptional because of its variation, each section [...]


Too Lazy to Plant Seeds

I’ve often wondered why more of our members do not attend events. One of our National Board members recently did a rough estimate that only about 20% of our members attend national events. I was surprised and saddened that the number was so low. And then I enrolled in my local Master Gardener program.


We Are Magic

Have you ever had one of those days where you just want to go home and crawl under the covers, and then you remember you have a rehearsal? And you go, because you are a handbell musician, and you know the importance of showing up. And as it turns out, rehearsal was exactly what you [...]


Small Ensembles Bring Handbells to Brazil

A small ensemble is usually defined as a group of two to five musicians playing together. This practice originated around the 18th century when composers began to write music for smaller numbers of musicians performing on a specific group of instruments.


Should I Stay or Should I Go?

As this edition of Overtones is delivered to you, I will start my third job directing handbells in a different church. As I packed and purged, shared and schlepped, I wondered about the careers of church handbell directors and other church musicians.


Playing for Keeps
Creating a Culture of Commitment for Extracurricular Choirs

Unless you are part of a professional performance choir or are enrolled in an academic handbell class, the ringers you are involved with are likely volunteers. Extracurricular handbell choirs provide an excellent opportunity for individuals to learn music, improve skills, perform, and become part of a community. However, because the participants are volunteers, it can [...]


Venue vs. Logistics

Let me set the stage for you: A) a community choir that owns from C1 (aluminum) to G8, plus 7 octaves of handchimes shows up to the concert site after only seeing pictures; B) another community choir that owns from D2 (bronze) to G8 plus 7 octaves of handchimes sends out a contract to the [...]


Introit on “Holy, Holy, Holy”

Music to copy and use with your ensemble or classroom


Area Spotlights – Fall 2023

Events and Other Happenings in Your Area


2023-24 Buyers’ Guide

A listing of our current business members (as of July 31, 2023) along with their contact information


Chiming In

Gillian’s Big Adventure

Executive Notes

We’re Like a Quilt

Membership Matters

Too Lazy to Plant Seeds

From the President's Pen

We Are Magic

Solo, Ensemble, Bell Tree Enthusiasts

Small Ensembles Bring Handbells to Brazil

Handbells in Worship

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Handbells in Education

Playing for Keeps
Creating a Culture of Commitment for Extracurricular Choirs

Community Connections

Venue vs. Logistics

Music Offering

Introit on “Holy, Holy, Holy”

Area Spotlights

Area Spotlights – Fall 2023

Buyers' Guide

2023-24 Buyers’ Guide