Prelude at Dawn

Prelude at Dawn by Lynn Shaw Bailey Click the download button in the PDF window to download. ©1991 – AGEHR PublishingPermission granted to make copies for choir or classroom use.Must be a current member of Handbell Musicians of America and may not transfer usage...

Getting Away

When a Retreat Gets You Ahead by Lauran Delancy Lauran Delancy holds a BA in Parish Music and a Master of Church Music from Concordia University Wisconsin. She fell in love with handbells in high school and has enjoyed ringing, composing, directing, and teaching ever...

A “Light Bulb” Moment

Why My Handbell Ensembles Never Play Anything in 6/8 by Neesa Hart Neesa Hart is the Program Director of the Stafford Regional Handbell Society in Stafford, Virginia. The Concert Group has a large, graded program for children and adults. She is also the co-creator of...


Playing suspended bell music on the table by Sueda and Jeff Luttrell Sueda Luttrell is a native of Lufkin, Texas, and received Bachelor and Master of Music degrees in Organ Performance from Baylor University. She currently holds the position of Organist/Music...

A Time to Be Grateful

by Jill Fedon Fall is one of my favorite seasons. I enjoy being able to experience the four seasons the way I do living in New Jersey, but fall is particularly special: the gorgeous changing leaves, apples and apple cider, the cool, crisp mornings, and my birthday....