Thanks to the generosity of donors to the AGEHR Grant Fund, we are able to award money to worthy handbell and handchime programs to encourage and support creative projects. This year, grants were awarded to Seabrook Village Retirement Community and Franklin County...
A quartet medley featuring “Abide With Me” and “Amazing Grace.” byMitchell Eithun Click the download button in the PDF window to download. ©2018 – Mitchell EithunPermission granted to make copies for choir or classroom use.Must be a...
Ring as a progressive processional beginning with Staff 1, then adding staves after each complete phrase or by starting all parts together. byMitchell Eithun Click the download button in the PDF window to download. ©2018 – Mitchell EithunPermission granted to...
Click on a photo to open a gallery. All-Star Choir Distinctly Teen Campanas Cristalis Detroit Handbell Ensemble Michael Glasgow Hymn Festival Kalamazoo Ringers Milwaukee Handbell Ensemble Rooke Chapel Ringers Alumni Choir Other...
Bucknell University’s Rooke Chapel Ringers come together for a reunion concert at National Seminar by J.R. Smith Mention college handbell programs, and a few of the more well-known ones immediately come to mind—including the Rooke Chapel Ringers of Bucknell University...