by Kathryn Aspenwall Resources to aid you in keeping your musicians motivated, including ice breakers, covenants, games, and communication strategies. Read resource online Download PDF (Best for iPad / Tablet...
by Kathryn Aspenwall and Michael J. Glasgow Communication is one of the most important tools a director utilizes. The structure, or the “nuts and bolts,” of HOW to communicate is the first step. Read resource online Download PDF (Best for iPad / Tablet...
We have such a wealth of information from many experts in the field of handbell ringing published in the Overtones magazine. If we are smart, we keep each issue and have amazing reference material at our disposal. I realized this as I started researching new ideas for...
by Andrea Handley Ideas for answering the challenge to make handbells a meaningful and integrated part of a worship service, rather than an occasional add-on prelude or postlude. In my years directing church handbell choirs, I have found significant challenges to...
by Gail Kiley Simple strategies for recruiting ringers and keeping them ringing are the keys to a thriving handbell program. In a world with ever-increasing demands on time and talents, finding and keeping ringers is a challenge that can make or break a handbell...
by William Payn Use this simple but effective resource to make handbells a meaningful part of a late Christmas Eve service by welcoming Christmas morning at the stroke of midnight The Concept At the stroke of midnight, the church bell or lowest C handbell strikes 12...