Ring Them or Pack Them?

Musicians all over the world share one thing for certain right now: that nothing is certain during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic. One day we were happily playing and singing together, hugging, breathing the same air, and offering our music to congregations and...

Origin Stories

Members Only Content The content you are trying to access is available only to members. You can join Handbell Musicians of America quickly and easily for as little as $9/month and get access to all online content, the print version of our journal, Overtones, and...

We Can All Dream, Can’t We?

Many handbell musicians have visions of being part of a Dream Team. But what exactly does that mean? Does it mean a super-group that can ring difficult music at a high level of proficiency? Is it a group of people who play music but also support one another and avoid...

My Most Unforgettable Character

If you’re my age, you remember a popular series in Readers Digest magazine called “My Most Unforgettable Character.” We asked folks to reminisce about people who were memorable in their lives. The “Character” may not necessarily be related to handbells or even music,...

Building Closer Bonds Part 2

How Handbell Ensembles Become Stronger Teams Coordinated by Stephanie Wiltse Stevie Berryman lives in Houston, Texas, and is artistic director of Houston Chamber Ringers. She is also directs handbells at First Congregational UCC in Houston. Debbie Fingas is the...