Positive Changes

This month let’s put a positive spin on the changes so many of us have made to our programs after what, for many of us, was nearly two years of pandemic ringing or even non-ringing. The pandemic has made it challenging for some programs to recover. While some ringers...

Free for All

I invited folks to contribute to a “free for all” column, to share what is currently on their minds. Not surprisingly, COVID is still on the minds of many as the new fall schedule kicks off. The good news is that musicians are finding ways to rise above the challenges...

Reflecting on a Pandemic Year

March 2021 marked one year for the US response to the COVID-19 pandemic. At the least, it’s been a life-altering time. As vaccines begin to ramp up, there are hopeful signs that there may be some sense of normalcy ahead. I asked some of our handbell friends to reflect...

Moving Forward After COVID-19

As of spring 2021, we have been dealing with the COVID-19 virus for at least a year. As much as we may want to return to a sense of “normal,” it’s not over yet. We checked in with handbell folks from around the US to see how they’ve dealt with the virus in their...

Homeless for the Holidays

Coordinated by Stephanie Wiltse I reached out to some ringers and directors and asked them: How will the 2020 holidays look for you, your family, and/or your groups this year? Will they be affected by the pandemic, and if so, how?Some shared the changes they will...