Online Treasures

As you may have noticed, we are offering more and more for you to do online all the time. If you haven’t done so yet, log in to our Member Center at, or just click the login button at the top of our main site to be directed there, and you’ll find a wealth [...]


Why Handbells in Education?

Last summer I focused my article around the question of why handbells? My answer was centered around church handbell choirs. But I’ve had a concern about the need for music in our schools for quite some time now, and handbells are the perfect medium. It’s not an easy task, considering the state of our schools...


Transitions and Farewells

Over the past several months, the national office has gone through some transition impacting staff and the programs we offer. Most of these have been announced to you, our members, through various communication methods: E-Notes, targeted email messages, Facebook posts, and here in Overtones.


A Big Deal

The military life has allowed me to experience cultures in many different corners of this great country. Thanks to a very good friend I realized that no matter where you are or what you are doing, you can always grow where you are planted.


Syncopation Safari
Helping Your Ringers Tackle Syncopated Rhythms

Picture this: You’re playing a cakewalk piece (cue birds chirping happily) with regular rhythms, nice even quarter and half notes and rests at predictable spots. Turn the page; (cue the “Mordor” theme) the B section looks like a dark, dank jungle of tangled ties draped from note to note, single eighth notes flitting here and [...]


Your Church Choirs
To Festival or Not to Festival

At handbell festivals, most choirs represent a church, unless the festival is specifically targeted to another type of group. Attendance at festivals offers many benefits to the choir and to the church in which they ring. What are those benefits?


History of AGEHR Publishing
John Behnke Takes a Look at Music Publishing from its Beginnings in Overtones Until Now

Some easy puzzles have just 100 pieces. Some which are much more difficult have 1000 or more. I’m not sure how many puzzle pieces there are in the history of AGEHR Publishing, because I don’t think they have all been discovered, but I do know that AGEHR Publishing currently has exactly 700 published pieces in [...]


Building Closer Bonds Part 2
How Handbell Ensembles Become Stronger Teams

Anyone who has rung bells for any length of time knows that it’s a team sport. Obviously this is true in the making of music as an ensemble, but it goes deeper than that.


Vintage Music from Overtones

As you will have read in John Behnke’s article on the history of AGEHR Music Publishing, some of the first pieces written for handbells was included in the pages of Overtones.


Two Perspectives on Choosing Repertoire

This article is only found in the online edition.


Accepting Nominations for Honorary Life Award

The Guild’s first Honorary Life Membership Award was given to Frederick Sharpe in 1963 at the eighth National Convention in Detroit, Michigan. Mr. Sharpe was the honored guest at the convention and was considered the foremost English authority on tower bells, having done much to further the art of handbell ringing during his lifetime.


Chiming In

Online Treasures

From the President's Pen

Why Handbells in Education?

Executive Notes

Transitions and Farewells

Membership Matters

A Big Deal

Handbells in Education

Syncopation Safari
Helping Your Ringers Tackle Syncopated Rhythms

Handbells in Worship

Your Church Choirs
To Festival or Not to Festival


History of AGEHR Publishing
John Behnke Takes a Look at Music Publishing from its Beginnings in Overtones Until Now

Handbell Musicians Roundtable

Building Closer Bonds Part 2
How Handbell Ensembles Become Stronger Teams

Tips & Tools

Vintage Music from Overtones

Online Exclusive

Two Perspectives on Choosing Repertoire

What's Happening

Accepting Nominations for Honorary Life Award