A Simple Idea Grows Into A Musical Community Collaboration

by Guest Columnist Judy Phillips We were putting bells away after rehearsal when one of my ringers looked up and said “we need to have a celebration—a party—a festival!” This was April 2022, and we had just performed one of our first post-pandemic concerts—something...

Finding Your Place to Contribute

by Greig Ashurst In the world of music, the art of handbell/handchime ringing holds a unique place. A friend once said, “we are a niche.” And if you are a solo ringer, a small ensemble musician, or play bell trees, you are a niche within a niche. Greig Ashurst...

Music: My Buddy, My Pal, My Rock

by Linda Onorevole Back in 2017, after completing a workshop at the Center for Public Interest Communications at the University of Florida, I wrote an article that was published in Florida Weekly as part of a series written by nonprofit administrators. Linda Onorevole...


by J.R. Smith Milestones are important parts of many aspects of our lives. We celebrate milestone birthdays and anniversaries, milestone achievements in our work and avocations, milestones on a journey, and even milestones in seemingly small projects. But what is it...