Say handbells, and people think church. People think Christmas. And when we aren’t ringing in church or as Christmas entertainment, handbell ringers attend handbell weekend workshops and festivals. There we spend days ringing with and for ourselves. The repertoire...
“Intrada” is for 3 octaves, C major, and with no bell changes so it can be played with music stands only. It is meant to be an easy Introit or Call to Worship for handbells. Intrada by Michael Mazzentata Click the download button in the PDF window to download. Click...
In this and the previous issue, we offer a number of exercises used in a National Seminar class by Kathleen Wissinger to help develop various ringing techniques. Practice them at different tempos and dynamic levels, including crescendos and decrescendos. Technique...
Navigating to a new normal in a worship setting by Joy Toll-Chandler Joy Toll-Chandler fell in love with handbells at an Area 1 festival concert in Vermont. The bells and the sounds they made intrigued her and convinced her and her mother to start a handbell choir at...
Collaboration between a community choir and community college makes a winning combination by Barbara Scheffter Barbara Scheffter holds a bachelor’s degree in English, a master’s in education, and a bachelor’s in music education, the latter of which she acquired after...