David Weck’s part-time shipping room job leads to over 40 years as a key player in the handbell world If you recognize the voice on 89 handbell music demo recordings saying “Greetings from Agape-Hope Publishing Company,” then you know David Weck, handbell editor,...
Handbell Ringing as Spiritual Discipline by Tracy DePue The purpose of Spiritual Disciplines is to provide a toolkit for transformation. As we engage in the spiritual disciplines of prayer, studying scripture, worship, and service, our lives become transformed as our...
Most of our groups operate on limited budgets, and we tend to focus on staying afloat from year to year. Church groups work to lead worship each month and use their resources for music and maintenance. Community groups work to keep busy concert schedules with the hope...
by Sondra Tucker 1. THE VALUE OF USING WARM-UP CHORALES AND SCALES Once the notes are learned, ringers can focus on specific elements of ringing such as uniform stroke, amount of stopped sound/damp, phrase arch, etc. Using the same chorale for several weeks allows...
Are You Ready in Case of the Sudden Loss of Key Personnel? Many people fear change. Many people also think they are invincible. But no one knows what the future holds. While it is a horrible thought, by no fault of one’s own (someone else texting while driving or...