Amazing Grace – For 8 Bells

Amazing Grace For 8 Bells by Mitchell Eithun Click the download button in the PDF window to download. ©2021 – Mitchell EithunPermission granted to make copies for choir or classroom use.Must be a current member of Handbell Musicians of America and may not...

Making Table Leg Extenders with PVC Pipe

When we had our first ever handbell concert, we were in the Chapel of my church. The stage was 16.5 feet wide—and we needed 18 feet of tables. What’s a director to do? I will now share the secret solution that has bailed me out of probably 1000 fixes in my life. PVC...

Positive Changes

This month let’s put a positive spin on the changes so many of us have made to our programs after what, for many of us, was nearly two years of pandemic ringing or even non-ringing. The pandemic has made it challenging for some programs to recover. While some ringers...

Nuts and Bolts

Helpful odds and ends to have at students’ tables by Kathleen Wissinger Kathleen Wissinger is starting her 17th year teaching handbells to 5th-8th graders at Redeemer Classical School in Harrisonburg, Virginia. She taught nine weeks of online classes last spring using...
Remembering Cynthia Dobrinski

Remembering Cynthia Dobrinski

Her life and career as a virtuosic organist led her to become a prolific composer of handbell music by J.R. Smith To see videos of various ensembles playing the many handbell works of Cynthia Dobrinski, GO HERE. Anyone who has regularly played handbells for almost any...