Heard from the Trenches – Part 2

What is the biggest issue facing your handbell ministry? by Sondra Tucker In the previous “Handbells in Worship” column, we looked at some common issues that tend to arise sooner or later for most everyone who works in church music. While each person’s situation is...

Are there handbells in Hawaii?

Building children’s community handbell program in a low-income district in Hawaii by Karen Carlisle I have learned to be careful with whom you share an idea. And if you do share that idea, be ready when it comes around faster than you think! This all started with a...

Bring a Friend

The spring festival season is gearing up, so you can probably find a handbell event near you. Why not bring a friend? There are a lot of events happening in the handbell world right now. I sincerely hope you are taking advantage of the activities that interest you....

Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2016

In this issue, we provide our annual financial report. This report covers our Fiscal Year 2016, which includes October 1, 2015, through September 30, 2016. Following are highlights and more in-depth explanation of some line items. Revenue Overall revenue increased by...

Moving to the Next Level

I love a challenge! When I came up with the idea to be a triathlete, I had never seriously competed as a swimmer, a runner, or a biker. The first time I tried to swim a lap in the pool, I made it to the other side of the pool and stopped, hoping I could find some...