Processional on “Hallelujah”

Processionals are relatively easy to play and perform: there are only four measures of music to memorize. This one uses elements from Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus and so is especially useful during festive occasions. Choir members enter individually, beginning...

Now Thank We All Our God

by Michael Mazzatenta Click the download button in the PDF window to download. ©2023 Michael Mazzatenta Permission granted to make copies for choir or classroom use. Must be a current member of Handbell Musicians of America and may not transfer usage rights to a...

Introit on “Holy, Holy, Holy”

by Mitchell Eithun Click the download button in the PDF window to download. ©2023 – Mitchell Eithun Permission granted to make copies for choir or classroom use. Must be a current member of Handbell Musicians of America and may not transfer usage rights to a...

To the Glory of God

by Howard F. Starks Click the download button in the PDF window to download. ©1986 – AGEHR PublishingPermission granted to make copies for choir or classroom use.Must be a current member of Handbell Musicians of America and may not transfer usage rights to a...