Roll Out the Welcome Mat

Members Only Content The content you are trying to access is available only to members. You can join Handbell Musicians of America quickly and easily for as little as $9/month and get access to all online content, the print version of our journal, Overtones, and...

Lifelong Learners

by Kim Braswell A grandmother recently commented to me that she needed to see her grandbabies as often as possible, because they grew so fast that it was like meeting a new child every time she saw them, even if it had only been a few weeks. EDITOR’S NOTE: In...

Never Underestimate Your Influence

by Mya Dundzila As a handbell director, your span of influence can go way beyond bells. My first handbell director taught me to ring, but she also taught me to care for the bells and care for other ringers. She introduced the power of a group and revealed to us what a...

A Big Deal

by Kim Braswell The military life has allowed me to experience cultures in many different corners of this great country. Thanks to a very good friend I realized that no matter where you are or what you are doing, you can always grow where you are planted. This means...

What’s in a (Bell) Year?

by Mya Dundzila Holidays, birthdays, weather patterns, sports playoffs—all these events scattered throughout the calendar mark the passing of each year and season. Your membership benefits can help with any celebration. Here are some suggestions: Mya DundzilaRegional...