A Simple Idea Grows Into A Musical Community Collaboration

by Guest Columnist Judy Phillips We were putting bells away after rehearsal when one of my ringers looked up and said “we need to have a celebration—a party—a festival!” This was April 2022, and we had just performed one of our first post-pandemic concerts—something...

Too Lazy to Plant Seeds

by Mya Dundzila I’ve often wondered why more of our members do not attend events. One of our National Board members recently did a rough estimate that only about 20% of our members attend national events. I was surprised and saddened that the number was so low. And...

50 years of Handbells at St. Matthew’s UMC • Annandale, Virginia

by Nancy Cappel In 1973, St. Matthew’s purchased two octaves of handbells. The children’s choir director, Nancy Cappel, knew nothing about ringing handbells. After reading the pamphlet that came with the bells, she organized seven ladies to ring together. The booklet...

Let the Bells Ring

by Kim Braswell Bells have long had a history of ringing to signify a notable event. Bells have rung to call us to wake, to pray, to work, to feast, as a call to arms, and in times of trouble to join together. We can also reflect on the period when the bells were...