One Time, One Meeting

by Mya Dundzila Mya DundzilaRegional Membership Coordinator During last summer’s International Handbell Symposium in Japan, I traveled throughout Japan with a subset of ringers prior to arriving in Hamamatsu. One of our memorable activities was participating in a...

My Walk Through the Forest

by Brenda Kohl Orlando This issue’s Membership Matters is by guest columnist Brenda Kohl Orlando, a first-time attendee at the Into the Forest Bell Tree event this summer. Guest ColumnistBrenda Kohl Orlando Brenda has been playing handbells for about 17 years. She had...

Resiliency When You Need It

by Mya Dundzila   My current home group, the Penobscot Bay Ringers (PBR), just finished up a busy ringing year with our spring concert weekend. Mya Dundzila Regional Membership Coordinator The 2023 fall/winter season started routinely with the usual rehearsals...

Play it Forward

by Kim Braswell In the fall of 2022, I was invited to join a newly forming group of advanced handbell ringers in the local area. Being a handbell ringing addict myself, of course I wanted to join and play with more people, but little did I know I would be “playing it...

Please Keep in Touch

by Mya Dundzila Every year, I field multiple questions from members and nonmembers (aka, future members) about how to find a handbell group in an area. Sometimes, a ringer has just moved into a new city and is looking for a place to ring. Mya Dundzila East Regional...