Syncopation Safari

Helping Your Ringers Tackle Syncopated Rhythms by Kathleen Wissinger Known for her clear directing, methodical teaching style, positive interactions with ringers, and engaging compositions, Kath teaches and directs at conferences, festivals, National Seminars, and...

Stringing Them Up

Bell Trees for Beginners by Kathleen Wissinger Kathleen “Kath” Wissinger teaches ringing classes for grades 4-8 at Redeemer Classical School. In 13 years of teaching, Kath has developed an acclaimed series of pedagogical pieces to teach focused, sequential skills in...

Filling a Need

Creating a New System for the Scroll Method of Adaptive Notationby Lorna Noack and Linda Ellison Lorna Noack grew up on a farm in northern Illinois and still misses four distinct seasons. After graduating from Concordia College, now known as Concordia University...

Better Together

Planning a concert collectively Instilling leadership skills in students is an important value at Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart in Bellevue, Washington. During my ten years there teaching handbells, I’ve looked for ways to incorporate this value into the...

Handbell Pride!

Building a Musical Culture in a Sports Town It’s early dark-o’clock Friday morning, a bitter cold January morning in Wisconsin. As I pull into the school parking lot, my car’s thermometer reads -28 degrees (that’s negative 28!) Still not cold enough for a school...