Building Closer Bonds

How Handbell Ensembles Become Stronger Teams Coordinated by Stephanie Wiltse Anyone who has rung bells for any length of time knows that it’s a team sport. Obviously this is true in the making of music as an ensemble, but it goes deeper than that. As groups pray...

It Takes a Village

Sharing Tasks in Community Groups Coordinated by Stephanie Wiltse This Month’s Participants Bells of the SoundPuget Sound, WashingtonElliot Lewis, President Capital RingersLewes, Delaware Linda Simms, Founder and Artistic Director Magic of BronzeOrlando,...

No Failure to Communicate

Moving information to and within handbell groups As community and church groups evolve and membership turns over, many of us have more mixed generations than ever before. As a result, we’ve seen great variations in responsiveness to e-mails; some folks read and...

Working Together for the Greater Good

Most of our groups operate on limited budgets, and we tend to focus on staying afloat from year to year. Church groups work to lead worship each month and use their resources for music and maintenance. Community groups work to keep busy concert schedules with the hope...

Genius Handbell Hacks Part Deux

This month, we continue with Share Your Favorite Genius Handbell Hack. Since the last issue of Overtones, more people have offered their clever ideas for all kinds of things, with an emphasis on, but not limited to, storage. Handbell musicians are all too aware of how...