Coming out of Hibernation

by Jill Fedon I love the way I am able to experience the seasons where I live in northwest New Jersey. Each season brings something unique and colorful and while autumn is my favorite for many reasons, there is also something quite special about spring.  Jill...

The Work of the Board

by Jill Fedon I have to be honest with you: trying to write an article not colored by the world (or my world) has been a challenge. I am feeling pandemic fatigue and a yearning for a sense of normalcy, live music, and hugs. I miss hugs. I have written many...

Long-lasting Impact of the Pandemic

by Jill Fedon The pandemic has been a mighty accelerant of change. Just about every aspect of how we do things has been impacted in some way, and, as a society, we have spent a great deal of time attempting to adjust to a new normal. As much as we long for the way...

Challenge Accepted

by P.L. Grove If someone had told me that I would finish out the last year of my Handbell Musicians of America presidency in the middle of global upheaval due to a viral pandemic and racial strife (to name just two major issues), well, I might have said “I’ll pass.” I...

A New Direction

Members Only Content The content you are trying to access is available only to members. You can join Handbell Musicians of America quickly and easily for as little as $9/month and get access to all online content, the print version of our journal, Overtones, and...