Social Media for the Anti-social(media)

A Quick Guide to Posting, Sharing, and Snapping by Chris Burton Chris Burton has rung or directed handbells since 2005. A bass bell ringer by choice, he is also a composer, cellist, clarinetist, and pianist. He holds degrees in music composition from Baylor...

Getting Down to Business

Members Only Content The content you are trying to access is available only to members. You can join Handbell Musicians of America quickly and easily for as little as $9/month and get access to all online content, the print version of our journal, Overtones, and...

Open a New Window, Open a New Door

Ringing Bells in Unusual Venues by Kathleen Wissinger Kathleen “Kath” Wissinger teaches ringing classes for grades 4 through 8 at Redeemer Classical School. In 13 years of teaching, Kath has developed an acclaimed series of pedagogical pieces to teach focused,...

Dueling Bells

A Pacific Northwest Collaboration by Jennifer Vangolen Jennifer Vangolen is the President of Bells of the Sound, an auditioned community handbell ensemble in Seattle, Washington, and has been a ringing member of the group since 2000. She also serves as a member at...

Worst Case Scenario

Are You Ready in Case of the Sudden Loss of Key Personnel? Many people fear change. Many people also think they are invincible. But no one knows what the future holds. While it is a horrible thought, by no fault of one’s own (someone else texting while driving or...