Getting There is Half the Fun

It’s often said that getting there is half the fun. In this issue’s Handbell Musicians Roundtable, Stevie Berryman makes a point about rehearsals needing to be fun because we spend far more time in rehearsal, working our way toward a performance, than we do actually...

No Limits

As I write this, my mind is still reeling from the wonderfully eclectic mix of concerts at this year’s National Seminar. It’s amazing just in the 12 years I’ve been working for the Guild and the 16 years I’ve been involved with handbells how...

Pitch for More Content

I hope you are enjoying the new online version of Overtones as well as the rest of the members-only resources on our website. By the time you read this, you will have (or will receive soon) your e-mail with links to online-exclusive Overtones content. It contains at...

The Case for Memorization

One of the biggest obstacles in performing music, I think, is the music itself. And I don’t mean what the composer created—the melodies, harmonies, and rhythms. I’m talking about that piece of paper with all the black spots on it, which not only serves to communicate...

We Owe It to Each Other

Music and entertainment have been an important part of my life for as long as I can remember. From the time when I was still in school and I played Christopher Columbus and received “fan mail” from an elementary school girl, I knew the special feeling of speaking to...