Being on the Board

It’s hard to believe but I have almost made it through my second year as a member at large on the national board. While our tenure officially starts in October, the first taste I got of what it would be like serving in this role was at National Seminar 2014 in...

Giving Back with Back to Bells

In the last issue of Overtones, Jennifer Vangolen shared with readers the amazing energy the national board has to “dream the fantastic while sustaining the reality.” Two of the realities we face over and over again are the need to reverse declining membership numbers...

The ‘Community’ Part of the Handbell Community

For those of us who don’t have a commitment to perform at one church service a month, this season can be a time to relax after the chaos of the winter holidays. Personally, my calendar has gone from handbell events every weekend to a few months of mostly free...

The Story of Sonos

During the past year, several of our members have shared stories of how the Guild has impacted their ringing life and, in some cases, personal life and even career. I think it’s safe to say that Handbell Musicians of America has also had a great impact on the creation...