
Milestones are important parts of many aspects of our lives. We celebrate milestone birthdays and anniversaries, milestone achievements in our work and avocations, milestones on a journey, and even milestones in seemingly small projects. But what is it about milestones that put them above other steps in our various journeys?


Music: My Buddy, My Pal, My Rock

Back in 2017, after completing a workshop at the Center for Public Interest Communications at the University of Florida, I wrote an article that was published in Florida Weekly as part of a series written by nonprofit administrators.


Finding Your Place to Contribute

In the world of music, the art of handbell/handchime ringing holds a unique place. A friend once said, “we are a niche.” And if you are a solo ringer, a small ensemble musician, or play bell trees, you are a niche within a niche.


A Simple Idea Grows Into A Musical Community Collaboration

We were putting bells away after rehearsal when one of my ringers looked up and said “we need to have a celebration—a party—a festival!” This was April 2022, and we had just performed one of our first post-pandemic concerts—something that Bellissima!, our community group, had much missed in the dark days of 2020 and 2021.


David Harris Named Honorary Life Member

David Harris of The Raleigh Ringers was named Handbell Musicians of America’s newest Honorary Life Member, the most prestigious designation HMA bestows, at National Seminar this year in Irving, Texas.


College Ring-In January 4-6, 2024

Though “college” is in the name, College Ring-In is not just for students! This performance-focused event is designed for experienced handbell ringers ages 18-29.


Into the Forest
An All Bell-Tree Event

On June 22, 2023, thirty bell tree enthusiasts gathered at Messiah Lutheran Church in Lakeville, Minnesota, for three days of everything bell trees.


Best Practices: Trial and Error

Why are we so attracted, almost to the point of obsession, to this unique instrument known as handbells? Many handbell directors, including many who responded to my Facebook post several months ago, started directing with little or no formal music training, and many trained musicians knew little or nothing about handbells when they began their [...]


Ringing in the Old and the New, Each Year

Most of the students who join our bell program each year have little musical background, usually limited to what they’ve learned in General Music classes throughout elementary school. The challenge each year is to develop these new students so they can play within an established ensemble.


Back to Basics
A new program gets an ensemble of beginning ringers making music in a short time

Do you remember the first time you picked up a handbell? The first time you made a bell ring? Do you remember the excitement you felt?


Hosting Dual Joint Handbell Concerts

Earlier this year, the handbell ensemble I conduct had a wonderful experience participating in a joint handbell concert with another handbell ensemble. I sincerely wish that the following recount of the planning process will inspire and motivate other ensembles to follow suit.


Now Thank We All Our God
Hymn Accompaniment for Final Verse

For Handbells and Organ


National Seminar ’23 Photo Feature

View the entire collection of photos by Karna Roa with opportunity to purchase digital files.


Area Spotlights – Winter 2023
News and Notices from Our Regional Areas

Learn about events and other happenings in your area.


Chiming In


Executive Notes

Music: My Buddy, My Pal, My Rock

From the President's Pen

Finding Your Place to Contribute

Membership Matters

A Simple Idea Grows Into A Musical Community Collaboration

What's Happening

David Harris Named Honorary Life Member

What's Happening

College Ring-In January 4-6, 2024

Solo, Ensemble, Bell Tree Enthusiasts

Into the Forest
An All Bell-Tree Event

Handbells in Worship

Best Practices: Trial and Error

Handbells in Education

Ringing in the Old and the New, Each Year


Back to Basics
A new program gets an ensemble of beginning ringers making music in a short time

Community Connections

Hosting Dual Joint Handbell Concerts

Music Offering

Now Thank We All Our God
Hymn Accompaniment for Final Verse


National Seminar ’23 Photo Feature

Area Spotlights

Area Spotlights – Winter 2023
News and Notices from Our Regional Areas