In addition to coordinating help efforts for damaged handbells and chimes, Stevie Berryman organized a refurbishment event for damaged instruments at Lakewood United Methodist Church. They welcomed volunteers and provided supples and training to revitalize 21 octaves of flooded bells and chimes.

From a Facebook post by Bob Avant: “Had a great day working alongside nearly 30 people from the handbell community who came together from across Texas to completely refurbish several sets of handbells and handchimes. These had all been submerged in the flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey in Texas. An extra huge round of applause goes to both manufacturers who had representatives present (Thomas Smith and Karen Eastburn) to guide the massive effort. They both provided a lot of technical help and parts. I want to particularly give a loud shout out to Schulmerich Carillons. They really stepped up and donated every single part for every handbell (except for the castings) in a total replacement effort. Each handbell has a new clapper assembly, guide pin, AND handle. The results are that the bells look, feel and play like new from the factory. This was a huge donation on their part and they deserve a ton of thanks. Malmark also came with parts needed to be replaced and polish to help with the cleanup. It was a team effort by all. Gently used cases had been donated from several locations around Texas and beyond as well so the newly refurbished bells have a new, clean and mold-free home. While there is so much to be done all across the Texas coast (and Florida and Puerto Rico), it felt good to be able to help provide at least one small step towards normalcy to some of the residents. Thanks also to Stevie Berryman who got this whole ball rolling.”

Chiming In

From a Vintage Overtones
Interesting Article About a Town Bell Ringer

Executive Notes

Lighting Up Your Brain with Music

Membership Matters

Resiliency When You Need It

From the President's Pen

Ichi-go Ichi-ee


Remembering Arnold Sherman

Solo, Ensemble, Bell Tree Enthusiasts

It’s a Natural!
Bell Tree Ringing with Children

Community Connections

Rolling Repertoire
Repeating Titles in Various Concert Programs Without Them Sounding Like Repeats

Handbells in Worship

Serving Two Churches

Music Offering


Buyers' Guide

2024-25 Business Members Buyers Guide

Area Spotlights

Area Spotlights Fall 2024

Full Issue Download

Fall 2024 Full Issue PDF